Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Windy Road

iPad Drawing


  1. Very nice Roy..what app do you use?

  2. Roy you've created a great interpretation of the view you saw ahead. It is challenging enough to do art, let alone make it happen on an iPad like you have

  3. Hey Roy...I understand that this is a tricky art to get used to, but if I had to drive that, those center lines would be a hard follow !! Perhaps it is because it is a "windy"road and you had a hard time staying in place!! ; ) House cleaning again unless it is a windy road!! Teasing!
    I like those cows, and sheep, rock walls!!

    1. Thanks GG. The road is quite alright if you have had a few glasses of wine.
      Yes 'windy' an adjective, meaning of a road or river following a curving or twisting course.{:))


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